e3Cases: using business case sudies in higher education


The challenge of good teaching as a core task of the universities occupies the entire European higher education sector. The project e³Cases therefore, concurrent to the objectives of Erasmus + and Europe-wide standards, strives to innovate and to develop the higher education sustainably.

European, E-Learning and Education: These are, as the title of the project already suggests, the contexts that are further developed and reformed by e³Cases in business administration with innovative ideas.
For this purpose, three novel and pedagogically high-quality end products will be created:
12 Case Studies with pedagogical high content, a Manual as a guide for the conception of such Case Studies as well as an Online-Planning-Guide for digital Case Study use by virtual, international learning tandems, which lead to a live final presentation (including the inclusion of all participants through a role play within the Case Study) between the tandem partners. The need for these products arises on the one hand from the previous didactic-educational deficits of existing Case Studies in business administration, the lack of a guide to the creation of elaborate, high-quality pedagogical Case Studies with practice content at the same time (which was previously in the foreground). On the other hand from the new requirements in the world of work as a result of digitization and the resulting necessary skills in intercultural relations and in dealing with new technologies.

With the involvement of the project partners with extensive expertise and the associated partners 12 Case Studies are being developed with a high didactic-pedagogical level and at the same time the necessary practical relevance, whereby the deficits of the existing Case Studies in university teaching can be eliminated. The Manual, which provides guidance and suggestions for self-development for teachers, can guarantee the sustainable quality of Case Studies, designed according to this guideline, through the two-stage evaluation and optimization even beyond the project. For the first time, the Online-Planning-Guide enables location-independent, transnational Case Study deployment and use via virtual learning tandems. The quality of the three products is guaranteed by the double testing at the four partner universities, the two-stage evaluation concept and the feedback from internal and external experts.

With the three outputs mentioned above, teachers can design their methods varied and creative and expand their own expertise. Students will be offered an interesting teaching setting, which, in addition to social competences, also promotes media and intercultural competence as a result of transnational learning tandems for Case Study editing.
In addition, e³Cases gives students more autonomy in their learning process, enables their participation in teaching and provides innovative education. Under these conditions created by e³Cases, skills and capabilities required for the ever-changing labour market can be developed further, increasing the employability of graduates.

Thus, with e³Cases, a long-term revolution in the teaching of higher education in terms of its quality, its diversity and the cost-neutral (through the use of new media no travel costs), international exchange is brought about. The dissemination and sustainable use of the results of e³Cases, in addition to the extensive dissemination activities, will be ensured by the transnational final conference, which will be linked to an international conference being selected during the project period in the partner plenum. Furthermore, the independent application of the project results of all four project partners as well as the partner tool (contact tool for transnational Case Study use) guarantees the international sustainability of e³Cases even after the end of the project. Interested parties from the higher education sector can entry partnerships develop further high-quality Case Studies with the help of the Manual, organize more international learning tandems with the Online-Planning-Guide and expanding their networks at the European level with the partner tool given by e³Cases.


Project partners: University of Cologne, Pedagogical University of Krakow a University of Antwerp.

Associated partners: BayernInvest, GATEWAY Gründungsservice, Nowa Era, Credendo, Hilti ČR

Project’s main website: https://www.e3cases.uni-koeln.de/en/

Newsletter subscription: https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/e3cases-news